Tiffany Mossing

780-439-7637 ext. 102
Email Tiffany

About Tiffany

Team Member since 2009

Tiffany has been promoted through the company from Customer Service Representative to President, upon Doug’s retirement in January 2022. She has excelled in customer service and has been an invaluable leader in the product development.

Tiffany continues to grow in her skills and abilities, including her endeavor to obtain a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Human Resources. She is devoted to organization and the well-being of our team members.

When she’s is not working, Tiffany enjoys coffee visits with dear friends. She likes to spend warmer months outside with her daughter, husband, and dogs including camping and quadding. While most of winter she prefers to stay indoors, she and her family enjoy hosting backyard bonfires with friends all year round.

Tiff 2022

Granville Software Inc.
© 1998 – 2024